πŸ›’Instructions to buy NFT during Public Sale (using MetaMask App wallet).

Step-by-step instructions in detail:

Step 1: Go to MetaMask wallet app -> Menu -> Browser.

Step 2: In the search box type "nft5.io" -> select the arrow to see the details of "Film project Hunting Dogs".

Step 3: To buy NFT you need to connect a wallet.

Step 4: The first time you buy, you must approve BUSD right (authorize the NFT5 party to receive BUSD).

Step 5: Type the amount of NFT you want to buy. You can select to Fund using Pre-Oder Pool (when you have deposited BUSD in the Pre-Oder Pool) or you can select to Fund using wallet. Here we select to Fund using wallet. When signing the Confirmation, then wait a period of time for the transaction to complete.

Step 6: Complete the buy of NFT from Public Sale at NFT5.

Last updated