Part 2: Instructions to add BUSD, FIVE tokens to MetaMask wallet

Perform the following steps:

Step 1: Add BUSD to MetaMask wallet.

Step 2: Add FIVE token to MetaMask wallet.

Step-by-step instructions in detail:

#1: Add BUSD to MetaMask wallet.

Step1: Go to MetaMask wallet app -> Select Import Token.

Step 2: Type BUSD Token address -> Select Imp.

BUSD Token address: 0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56

Step 3: So you have successfully added the BUSD token.

#2: Add FIVE token to MetaMask wallet.

Step 1: Same as import BUSD.

Step 2: Type BUSD Token address -> Select Import.

FIVE token information:

  • Token name: Five Token

  • Symbol: FIVE

  • Blockchain: BNB Chain

  • Token Standard: BEP-20

  • Contract: 0x6F61810E3f4D128B2033B00E72E130EC60479b80

  • Token Type: Governance

Step 3: You have completed the steps to add FIVE tokens.

Last updated