βœ…Pre-order Pool - v1.1

Expected launch date 07/04/2022

What is Pre-order Pool?

Pre-order Pool is a pool of investment fund (BUSD) that investors deposit in before the project's NFT launch to keep a slot and take advantage of buying NFT early. Specifically, Investors who have reserved at the Pre-order Pool will be able to buy NFT 15 minutes prior to the Public sale. As a result, only Investors who reserve slots in the Pre-order Pool can participate in the Private sale round of the project NFT before opening the Public sale round for everyone.

Why should Investors reserve slots at Pre-order Pool?

We understand that potential projects are always an investment opportunity for all investors in the market. However, with the vision of becoming a Launchpad for Creative Passion, NFT5 always long for connecting Creators with the most enthusiastic Investors to accompany the development of the project. That is also the reason why Pre-order Pool was developed to create a competitive advantage for Investors who are interested in creative projects.

4 reasons you need to reserve your spot in the Pre-order Pool as soon as possible:

  • You will be prioritised to invest in potential creative projects.

  • You can subscribe for newsletter to receive information about potential projects.

  • You can invest in all projects on NFT5 and can withdraw your fund at any time.

  • By making an early reservation at the Pre-order Pool, you will connect your Metamask wallet early and limit technical risks during the opening period. Thus, if you do not join the Pre-order Pool, if you have trouble connecting your accounts, the chances of owning NFTs of your favorite projects will be greatly limited.

Main features:

  • Deposit BUSD into Pre-order Pool with balance in Metamask wallet. (v1.1)

  • Withdraw BUSD from Pre-order Pool when you decide to change decision. (v1.1)

  • Buy creative project NFTs with balance in Pre-order Pool. Your BUSD balance in Pre-order Pool can be used to participate in both Private sale and all other rounds at NFT5 Marketplace (v1.2)


  • Pre-order Pool is capped at 1 million USD (about 23 billion VND). Make a reservation in the Pre-order Pool as soon as possible and consider carefully if you want to withdraw your reservation.

  • Within the Private Sale (15 minutes before the sale), you can only buy the project's NFT using the amount you have from the Pre-order Pool. Consider the amount that you will put into the Pre-order Pool.

Last updated